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Srinivas Rao likes to surf. In the early 2000’s he was at a crossroads in his life. As a recent business school grad, he could conform to the rest of society and get on a hamster wheel of a career. He could do what he had been programmed to do for his entire life and get a normal job. Or he could surf, play in the ocean and ultimately learn how to become an unmistakable creative person. He chose the latter and talks about it today. He wanted to pick and chart his own path for success.

Srinivas Rao the Unmistakeable Creative

Srinivas Rao the Unmistakeable Creative in The Influencer Economy

Srinivas Rao is an influencer in the podcasting community. He’s written numerous books, including Unmistakable: Why Only is Better Than Best, which is a playbook for anyone harnessing their creative ideas and pursuing a career that they define, not the other way around.

Influencer Economy on iTunes

Influencer Economy on iTunes

Srinivas spent 8 years interviewing five hundred creative people on his Unmistakable Creative podcast was the ultimate education. He heard how guests including Seth Godin, Elle Luna, Tim Ferriss, Simon Sinek, and Danielle LaPorte blazed their own trails.

In this Influencer Economy podcast, we talk about his advice to not “be just one among many—be the only. Be unmistakable.” And how we need to define our own success, not rely on what others deem successful.

As Srinivas says “Whether you’re a business owner, an artist, or just someone who wants to leave your mark on the world, Unmistakable will inspire you to create your own path and define your own success.”

Listen to the Unmistakable Creative podcast: https://unmistakablecreative.com/

Support Srinivas and buy the Unmistakable book, find it on Amazon.

Stop trying to beat everyone else. True success is playing by your own rules, creating work that no one can replicate. Don’t be the best, be the only.”

Srinivas Rao