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Dorie Clark and Ryan Williams LIVE in Los Angeles for a fireside chat.
What does it take to create the career you want?
I hosted my friend Dorie Clark for a live podcast event for the launch of her book Entrepreneurial You: Monetize Your Expertise, Create Multiple Income Streams, and Thrive.
Do you have a full-time job? Are you looking to become more entrepreneurial? Dorie Clark has written the modern playbook for executing on your entrepreneurial dreams. In the modern economy, entrepreneurs like Dorie have over seven income streams. Dorie is a model of how to build a modern business, diversifying your income streams, and taking less risk to become an entrepreneur.
This episode is a LIVE podcast with Dorie, recorded in Los Angeles.
It was a blast, we really enjoyed the crowd in downtown L.A. This episode was to celebrate Dorie’s book launch, hear her stories, and collaborate with the audience. What do you think of this live podcast episode with Dorie?
Dorie Clark is a successful entrepreneur, author, and she is a guru for gurus. In Entrepreneurial You she provides a blueprint for professional independence, with insights and advice on building your brand, monetizing your expertise, and extending your reach and impact online. She is a big thinker and gives us a framework for helping to build multiple income streams. Download on iTunes!
Dorie and I had a fun night chatting in downtown Los Angeles. I interviewed her for a live podcast interview. We talked about many issues like:
Why it’s hard for people to talk about money, but we should talk about it more
How to grow multiple income streams in a way that is true to yourself
Practical ways for you to launch online courses, consult, and publish books around your expertise
How Dorie creates a clear message around her brand
How networking bias effects all of us in the modern economy
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