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Alan Sepinwall the writer of the wildly popular online TV recap column, What’s Alan Watching?” and the best-selling book “The Revoluation Will be Televised.  On this week’s show, Alan details how he originated his career as a TV writer, how he wound-up writing for Hitfix.com, and the keys to his successful self-published book.

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Alan’s history as a TV writer dates back to the 1990’s. He’s a pioneer in the TV journalism industry, specifically in defining and shaping the category of online TV Show recaps.  He is a great example of a successful creator in The Influencer Economy, as he self-published his book, selling it directly to his community.  He has built an incredibly loyal following from writing online, and was able to deliver a book that his community wanted to read.  He details his unique model of self-publishing which we can all learn from. 

Subscribe to the show on iTunes here

Alan’s column:  http://www.hitfix.com/whats-alan-watching

Alan on Twitter:  https://twitter.com/sepinwall

Alan’s original What’s Alan Watching blog:  http://sepinwall.blogspot.com

From this episode you’ll learn:

  • How Alan launched his writing career writing online in the 1990’s about NYPD Blue
  • The history of Alan’s “What’s Alan Watching?” TV Recap column
  • The background of how Alan went from working for the NJ Times Ledger to writing for the entertainment website Hitfix.com
  • The secrets of how Alan self-published his book and got the attention of traditional publishers
  • The origins of Alan appearing on Bill Simmons’ BS Report