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AJ Jacobs with Ryan Williams

AJ Jacobs with Ryan Williams

AJ Jacobs is a N.Y. Times best-selling author and host the world’s largest family reunion. He’s also cousins with both Hilary Cinnton, Barack Obama and Kevin Bacon. He’s probably cousins with you too. He is aiming to show the world we have a lot more in common than we may realize. And he’s doing so by connecting all of us via his “global family reunion.”

AJ calls himself “The Human Guinea Pig,” and has authored numerous book where he experiments on himself. In this episode we talk about how he lived bionically for a year in his book:  The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible. He wore white, stoned adulterers at Central Park, grew his beard out.  And all this while keeping his marriage in tact, and focusing on being a good father.

AJ dives into his passion around connecting us through our family trees and genealogy. He believes the next big ‘social network’ will be mapping ourselves to our ancestors from around the world. His reunion in New York City will feature speakers like Adam Grant, David Blaine, and even President George H.W. Bush.

In this podcast, we dive into AJ’s writing process, book history, and his upcoming family reunion.

Our website:  https://www.influencereconomy.com/

Ryan on Twitter:https://twitter.com/ryanjwill

Please leave a review on iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/influencer-economy-ryan-williams/id820744212?mt=2

AJ on Twitter and his Global Family Reunion Website:  http://globalfamilyreunion.com/
