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- Eric Barker on influence
Most success advice is terrible. Don’t you agree? We’ve all heard the common advice, nice guys finish last, it’s not who you know; but what you know, or 10,000 hours of practice makes you an expert.
Are these statements even true?
Eric Barker’s an influencer on how to prove these adages as true or false. Eric’s focus is on deconstructing success, and how of what we think about with success is wrong.
Eric takes the mythbusters approach to conventional wisdom to help us achieve better results. Eric has some great nuggets of wisdom in this Influencer Economy podcast. Listen on iTunes!
Influencer Economy Quick Hits:
How your biggest weakness might actually be your greatest strength How Navy SEALs find grit and self-talk their way to success
How our negative qualities can be used to help us succeed
The 4 pillars of work life balance
How 20 minutes of expressive writing can help us sleep better
Why it’s NOT who you know, it’s WHO knows you
Why self-compassion beats self-confidence
How deliberate practice helps you to become an expert
How to learn to use your introversion and extroversion to your advantage
Why introverts are more likely to be Olympic athletes than extroverts
Eric’s 4 pillars of of a healthy work/life balance are based around how we can succeed.
- Happiness
- Achievement
- Significance
- Legacy

Influencer Economy on iTunes
“Mentoring a young person is four times more predictive of happiness than your health or how much money you make.”
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