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RocketJump meets Influencer Economy

Freddie and Ryan (awkward smile guy)

Filmmaker Freddie Wong is guest # 8 on the “The Influencer Economy.”  You may know Freddie for his popular web series “Video Game High School, which has reached over 1 billion views online.  To state it simply, his series is the “Harry Potter for video games.” Video Game High School is an action/comedy web series about best friends, first loves, and landing that perfect head shot.

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In early 2014, Freddie Wong and VGHS shattered an online video crowdfunding records, raising over $900,000 for his IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign.  He is also  the filmmaker behind the popular YouTube Channle /FreddieW which features video game / sic-fi / and special effects heavy content.  The Channel has over 7 million subscribers, and has an amazingly loyal online following.
We had a funny and enlightening conversation, Freddie and I met at his RocketJump Studios, where his team is creating VGHS.  We chatted about the real definition of crowdfunding, what it’s like being famous on YouTube, and why it’s smart to build a community before you launch your film or project.  He’s a super funny and intelligent guy, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How Freddie created his crowdfunding perks for Video Game High School
  • How to build a community around your video content
  • What it’s like getting recognized if you’re a YouTube creator and how accessible YouTube creators are versus celebrities
  • How Freddie as victim to inversed digits, and kept getting wrong number calls
  • How Crowdfunding really evolved from bands like Radiohead and musicians like Trent Reznor
  • What is the real definition of crowdfunding
  • Why it’s important to build an online community before you launch a film or any media-driven project
Find Freddie on Twitter  https://twitter.com/fwong
Find Freddie on YouTube  https://www.youtube.com/user/freddiew
Find Freddie at Rocketjump http://www.rocketjump.com
Watch Video Game High School http://www.rocketjump.com/category/vghs