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Ep. 1 – Burnie Burns of Rooster Teeth: Red vs. Blue, Online Video & YouTube Pioneer

For the inaugural podcast, I was proud and excited to interview Burnie Burns of Rooster Teeth.  Burnie is a pioneer in the  video and production world, and is the founder Rooster Teeth, an online video juggernaut.  Burnie speaks with at great length about the origins of Rooster Teeth and their early hit tentpole series Red vs. Blue.  We

Why Content is Eating The World & Why You Need to Start Creating Now

In 2010, venture capitalist, Marc Andreesen wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal stating that:  “software is eating the world.”  Andreesen, an investor in Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and many other consumer facing software companies, proclaimed that we were in “the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and economic shift in which software

Why The NBA’s Talent Acqui-Hire of The Basketball Jones is Important

Last week, the artist formerly known as The Basketball Jones announced they’re joining NBA Digital.   If you aren’t an NBA hoops fan, The Starters (as they’re now known as)  have been hosting a podcast for 2006 years and hail from Toronto, Canada.  And they are now colleagues with Emmy-award winners Charles, Kenny and

How Social Bartering Helps Improve Your Career

Without even realizing it, we are all bartering.  The social web has turned us into a society of people exchanging goods and services via the web.  It’s nothing new, but it’s all trackable with social media, email, and blogging.  You can keep track of your connections, exchanges, and services with very easily.

We do it

What is the influencer economy?

What is the influencer economy?  It’s a movement.  A culture.  A philosophy for how-to navigate the new business world.  At the core, the influencer economy is entrepreneurial spirit and execution.  It’s empowering a new generation of leaders, builders and makers to create successful businesses that previously would have been impossible.

In the modern business world,

Bloggers turned VC’s: Moneyball For Online Influence

We’re in the middle of a Money Ball movement for digital influence. A few weeks ago I responded to a Tweet: “bloggers are now personal brands who will be running their own businesses.” Then within minutes of my comment, an article by Loic Le Meur’s fell into my stream. A Journalist? A VC? Who

Steve Jobs – The the most influentail person of our generation

Steve Jobs was the visionary of our time.  In our generation, he is the most influential person.  His drive to innovate has been the springboard to launch businesses and bring people together.

When you think about the rapid growth in mobile connectivity in the last 10 years, Apple has been at the epicenter of it

BWB4 and The Future of Sports Media and Influence

Photos from Brian Bassett of The Jets Blog
This past weekend, I attended Blogs with Balls 4 in New York City, hosted by Bloomberg Sports in their futuristic Manhattan skyscraper.  The event featured 250+ independent and professional sports writers, who joined together to discuss trends and the future of sports media.  What makes this conference

Welcome to the The Influencer Economy

If you’re in the media, start-up or advertising world – you’ve by now heard the term influencer.  Brands are launching marketing campaigns with influencers, YouTube vloggers are building personal brands off their influence, and start-ups are launching companies with co-founder influencers.  What’s fascinating, is that we’re all influencers of some sort.

Influencer Economy

In the modern Internet, each of